Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Papa Biggg Noseeee

When I woke up this morninig, I saw my second son sleeping beside me. This two years old boy is such a character. He brings us joy when we least expect it. At 4:00 am this morning, he called out loud and wanted to drink milk. This is his norm. But the difference was that he had all his valuable belongings, pillows and bolsters, tightly hugged in his hands, and asked to be carried to my bed. After he finished his milk, he seemed like totally awake. He started chating with me in the language only closed ones understand. He touched my nose and said " Pa pa biggg noseee". Then he pointed at my wife and said " ma ma biggg noseee". The next moment, he started to repeat the experience he had at the aquarium three days ago about the fish he saw:"pa pa, phish ball ball" and shake his head at the same time. He was trying to tell me the fish looks like a ball and the way the fish swims is by shaking the head. Then he started to point to the ceiling and said:" zard, scared scared." Ok, that was the lizard he is afraid of. That chat lasted for quite a while until both of us fell asleep again.

Being a pa pa can be quite taxing too. On the same night, my elder son (8 years old), cried and complained about the pain on his tongue caused by ulcer. We tended to ignore his complaints as nothing much we can do to stop the pain except to apply some gel on the ulcer. He is normally a strong boy. He hardly shed a drop of tear when he went to the dentist to extract his teeth. But last night, he was in constant pain. Sensing that none of the medicine helped, and only one thing to try. I carried him upstairs to the room, changed him into pyjamas, and put him to bed. All these extra things that we normally do to the younger one, worked extremely well with him. He calmed down and tried to sleep. He even turned his buttock towards me,signalling me to pat him to sleep like I always do to the two-year-old. In no time, he fell asleep. This only reminds me that however fast your children grow up, there are always some moments thay want extra attention and love to help them go through tough times. That extra attention and love is much more effective in soothing sores and pains, both physical and mental ones.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005




在今天这样的生活调调,常常只记得我得做这个那个的,做着做着,习以为常。有没有想过为自己做一件喜欢的小事?如读一本好书, 懒洋洋的过一个下午?

Thursday, June 02, 2005



孩子被人打,应该教他们如何应付?他们打你左颊,你送上右颊吗?还是叫他们不要做英雄,如衰家犬般抱着头就跑?跑得快好世界. 朋友告诉我有一个地方最多英雄,那就是天堂.

晚饭后桌上留下一些剩菜和肉,你怎么办?是 三两口把它吃掉还是依医生所说宁愿倒掉也不要多吃?倒掉是浪费,老人家还说是折福.吃下是有害健康,百害无益.

孩子读书,应该鼓励他'万官皆下品,唯有读书高',还是告诉他穷爸爸富爸爸的残酷事实?我说不出口,因为我就是穷爸爸的典范,读了半辈子书,满脑子学问却还得因为老板减薪而调整家人的生活素质,可悲. 孩子睡前常喜欢听我说一些孩时趣事,渐渐的我也少说了.因为我太太一针见血的说:"又说你的威水史?看看你自己!"