Friday, June 22, 2007
Rotary Club News
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Fun Drive n Durian Fest - update
On the way to Kampung Titi, OC Rtn Amus Loo's Volvo car was targeted by "terrorist", a "missile" fired at us but only inflicted a minor damage to the side-viewing mirror. Amus Loo is RM1600 poorer now. So guys, please buy insurance from him to minimize his damage.
Discussion with some school council members was fruitful and arrangement of the Durian and Fruit fest was in orther. We were promised the best durians and fruits selection on the day, D24, "Hong Ha", "Mau San Wong", "white mouse", pandan taste coconut, dragon fruits, pineapple, ciku, star fruits. Special arrangement is being made to visit one of the orchard on that day.
The trip ended with a lunch at Titi restaurant. Our Rtn Nicholas can't stop himself from the "Kao Yok" dish, so much so that addition plate had to be ordered. Rtn BC Khoo was busy with the " Doggy Duck" dish thinking that it is dog meat. Or may be I was wrong, it may very well be "Ducky Dog".
The meal worked wonders on us. We were so relax that we forgot about visiting the Titi Eco Farm. To tell you the truth, we did it on purpose because Rtn Nicholas wanted to go back again to taste the "Kao Yuk" again on the next trip.
Fun Drive n Durian Fest
In order to make the trip more fun-filled, a treasure-hunt look-a-like will be arranged to make sure everyone explores the beauty of the nature and the many interesting views of countryside that most of the city folks tend to overlook. Prizes will be given to the first 5 cars with the most correct answers to the questions.
A durian fest will be arranged in SJK Chun Yin to welcome all the participants. Farmers from the surrounding areas will be donating fruits and vegetables to this event. All the paid-up participants will be able to enjoy as much fruits as their stomachs can carry, and we ensure that all the fruits will be of the best quality.
With the generosity and kindness these farmers have shown, it is only right that we reciprocate by buying more fruits and vegetables for our friends and families. All the proceeds from the sales will also be donated to the school, so, go on a shopping spree, ladies and gentlemen!
On the way back, we will visit a dragon fruit orchard to see for ourselves, many for the first time, how a dragon fruit tree looks like. Dragon always brings good luck, so enjoy the prosperous trip.
To add to the excitement, for those who would like to explore more of the nature, we will recommend that you go a day earlier and spend the Saturday night (21st July 2007) at the famous TiTi Eco Farm. Experience the closeness to the nature where all foods are prepared organically. Details of the resort are in the attached brochure. We can assist to make reservation. If the response is good, further discount is possible.
For those who are interested, please contact or for registration form.
由于来得勿忙,心理上还没来得及调度,我已在5月23日凌晨降陆北京机场. 在到酒店途中,心里一直在寻找一种心情. 一时也说不上来是什么心情.
和同事们入住酒店后己迫不及待的要到处逛逛. 正要踏出酒店大门,被接待处的小姐叫住,她要我们写上我们的中文名字. 写着写着,心里无比的畅快. 上一回我的中文名如此被重视,应该是我12岁那年. 今年我巳经41.
天安门和故宫是第一站. 花了半个小时找地铁站,沿途问了好位路人,原来都不是北京人. 地铁站里我竟也被人问路! 一时间,那种心情来了. 来北京,我不想成为一位游客. 我深深感受到那种“我回家了”的心情.
见识了故宫的大,天安门广场的乱,长安路的车多,也经历了中国人的真. 他们真的不排队,真的到处吐啖,真的大声说话,女的真的穿着裙子蹲着连底裤都看到,男的真的赤着膊子穿着西裤在街上走.
接下来两天,除了工作,也抽空到过老北京,看到旧课本才看到的四合院,小胡同,只是整条街却改成酒吧街,有点不伦不类. 两个晚上到过王府井和西单,有名的购物天堂,却没有任何收获.
最后一天的空档, 做了一个好汉,上了八达岭的长城,坐缆车到半途,爬上四个烽火台. 难忘的是雄伟延绵的长城,和烽火台上的阵阵尿臭味.
午餐后踏入了十三陵. 沿途看到樱桃成熟时. 地下宫殿幽森难测,仿佛一幕幕迷团在眼前揭开.
勿勿的我又得上飞机. 折折腾腾,换了3次登机栅,总算上了飞机坐下来. 静静的想了想,失望之情幽幽的渗进的心房. 原来在脑子里酝酿了许久的归乡情,在等待中,巳慢幔的变质了. 只有我一厢情愿,那能激得起浪花.