Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fun Drive n Durian Fest

Rotary Club of Sri Petaling is organizing a “Fun Drive n Durian Fest” to Kampung Titi, Negeri Sembilan on Sunday 22nd July 2007. The programme is an opportunity for the club members to foster closer ties with their families, at the same time conduct a charity drive to raise fund for the SJK Chun Yin, Kampung Titi. The fund raised will be used to upgrade the office equipments, which includes buying a new photocopier among others.

In order to make the trip more fun-filled, a treasure-hunt look-a-like will be arranged to make sure everyone explores the beauty of the nature and the many interesting views of countryside that most of the city folks tend to overlook. Prizes will be given to the first 5 cars with the most correct answers to the questions.

A durian fest will be arranged in SJK Chun Yin to welcome all the participants. Farmers from the surrounding areas will be donating fruits and vegetables to this event. All the paid-up participants will be able to enjoy as much fruits as their stomachs can carry, and we ensure that all the fruits will be of the best quality.

With the generosity and kindness these farmers have shown, it is only right that we reciprocate by buying more fruits and vegetables for our friends and families. All the proceeds from the sales will also be donated to the school, so, go on a shopping spree, ladies and gentlemen!

On the way back, we will visit a dragon fruit orchard to see for ourselves, many for the first time, how a dragon fruit tree looks like. Dragon always brings good luck, so enjoy the prosperous trip.

To add to the excitement, for those who would like to explore more of the nature, we will recommend that you go a day earlier and spend the Saturday night (21st July 2007) at the famous TiTi Eco Farm. Experience the closeness to the nature where all foods are prepared organically. Details of the resort are in the attached brochure. We can assist to make reservation. If the response is good, further discount is possible.

For those who are interested, please contact or for registration form.

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