Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I am a student again (Part 1)

Don't ask me how, but I ended up in the Nanjing Normal University on the 25 July 2008. When I arrived at the Nanjing Railway Station with my two colleagues, we were excited to see the organizer waving the "ISPRS 3RD Summer School" flag.

The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) organised this Summer School for Phd Students and young researchers, with world renown professors in the field coming all the way from Switzerland, Germany, Netherland, and of course China to conduct lectures and exchange ideas.

I know I don't fall into any of the catogories mentioned, but some how I managed to join them. ha ha ha.

It felt so good to be in school again, listening to the experts explaining things that we could hardly hear from our daily work. After a while, I really feel like picking up my books and do my PHD. Fortunately, the idea flashed through my mind as fast as it cropped up. Frankly, I don't think I have the patience and energy to even think about it. All the students thought I am a lecturer. They called me "teacher". I did not correct them, because no harm pretending to be teacher for a few days.

Living with a group of young adults from different part of the world was fun. I will tell you more on part 2.

For photos, please click here

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